Oh look, I have a blog! Hey! I have a blog!

Oh wow, I have a blog!

Every human has the wonderous ability to forget things. Usually that involves keys, handbags, phones and passports. In my case it’s that I have a blog.

Recently I discovered Code Golf. Essentially it’s writing a program, or part of a program to solve a fairly simple task but trying to do it in as little code as possible. So something like working out the fibbonacci sequence goes from

a = 1
b = 1
for i in range( input() ):
c = a + b
a = b
b = c

which is fairly easy to read, to:

for i in range(input()):a,b=b,a+b
print a

Ok, bad example… That’s not that much harder to read but that’s because I chose a easy to read language in the first place :/

You get the idea though. Take a piece of code and make it as short as possible. Which means that some languages get to code like:




Which is plain annoying. And I don’t understand them. [Taken from here]

Some of the questions are quite simple, whilst some of the others get a little more complex, like for example trying to find the quickest route through a city which takes not only skill but a lot of knowledge…

Like seriously. I wouldn’t even know how to get through here and I’m good at map reading…

So yeah. I try. I fail but it’s all learning and soon I’m sure I might get in the realm of single digit length code :p

Just as an extra, someone did actually solve that map, and it took a fair amount of time; check it out!

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So here it is, happy new year!

In a complete offshoot: I can play that on bass ๐Ÿ™‚

So what do I want this year?
Well I’d quite like a uni place, that means I need to achieve A*AA which is going to be interesting ๐Ÿ˜›

Grade 8 guitar would be nice, as well as learning to drive (and passing my test) but there not so critical.

How do you want to change?
Well this Christmas I added a few kilos so losing them again would be nice ๐Ÿ˜‰

I need to start doing more exercise againn I didn’t mention it but I injured my leg recently which has put rock climbing on hold but I suspect it’s good enough to start again. Would also quite like to start the press ups again to beat last years 60.

Yeahhhh!! Could be interesting though, going to uni I’m going to lose a lot of contact with friends from the youth group and I’m going to have to get myself into the habit of going to a new church hopefully not hungover…

What else?
You know… So long as it’s good, I don’t really care ๐Ÿ™‚

So enjoy your new year, and let it be a good one ๐Ÿ˜€

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I’d love to say things are working out

Where do you want to be? What do you want to be? What’s your aim? Because I surely don’t know.

I though perhaps I want to be a programmer, to pose new challenges to myself and get paid to do so. To be assigned a task and to complete it to my best ability over and over. I’m good at the whole task thing. I’m going to university to study computer science in 7 months, so that I can follow that very road.

Now I wonder if I’d rather just get a job, something like the house manager at my local arts centre/theatre. That seems the sort of job for me. To be on my feet helping others, wired into the very workings of the day to day life there. To know the whole building inside out, to know where everything is and where it needs to be. That’s very me.

Not some unnecessary cog in a multinational cooperation.

Part of me wishes to leave education asap. To go. Move into the world and find my own feet. To just get a job, a house and to do as I wish. But the sensible side of me knows that uni is the best option for me, whether as a backup or not.

Didn’t some guy once say do whatever makes you happy?

I look at those in my local arts centre and every single one of them enjoys their job. Not one of them looks like they’d rather be anywhere else. They finish their shift and walk straight to the bar to drink with colleagues above and below their pay grade. Every single one of them smiles backs they’re in such a vibrant and buzzing place.

Then I look at mum, she works for a multinational corporation and wishes she could be doing anything but that. She hates it. Everyday she comes home and she tells of how those she works with fight and bicker, how they’re screwing over he pension and how all the employee rating schemes are horribly flawed and just create tension between her team. I swore I’d never let myself end up like that because I know it would simply destroy me.

Then I look at my dad, he works a bit, sure, but he hates that and he much prefers his time spent watching TV and doing puzzles. He’s a great man and he has some amazing skills but I don’t want to be like that, I’m not the sort of person that can just sit and do nothing like him. I need to be doing something; something I enjoy.

So what do I do? I suppose I slave myself away and join a multinational corporation as a programmer, I know that will happen. I chose my road a long time ago.

And sure, I’ll sit and watch the jobs lists of the theaters, and I’ll apply to each job, but I won’t go. I already know.

This is my life.

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It’s been nearly a year since I split up with my girlfriend. Honestly, it wasn’t the best relationship ever and only lasted about 3 months but it still meant something. It meant I’d definately moved on from that one girl.

And my friends generally thought that was a very good thing ๐Ÿ™‚

To put in a little back story I really enjoy being in a relationship or being so close to a person that you feel you know everything about them. I don’t suppose I’m very different to anyone else there, but I find the feeling really addictive and I find myself constantly searching for that feeling again, subconsiously.

Yet, somehow, I’ve managed to resist temptation. Since we split up just after Christmas I’ve not really fancied anyone… Sure, occasionally I’ve thought “I should get to know her better” and “She seems like my type” (not that I really know what my ‘type’ is) but in generall there’s been no longing for someone or thinking about them constantly.

Until now.

Ok so she’s 2 years younger than me but I’ve known her for 3ish years now and she’s one of those people that will always be proactive and get stuff done, she’s someone that wants to be helping with everything. And, hey, she Christian too ๐Ÿ™‚

Various friends when I consulted them said “Go for it” and “Gotta try, being lonely’s no good”, even my best friend tried to help with “She’s too young. I’ll disown you.” as helpfull as it isn’t ๐Ÿ˜›

And this would be fine, except because I’ve opened the doors again, I kinda feel it for someone else too… And that’s not good… Same year, just as confident but I don’t know her very well, we literally just met 2 weeks ago.

I’m not the most talkative person, nor someone that instantly asks for a girl’s number and texts them. I can if I want but, well… Do I want to?

If so who? Girl A or Girl B? Do I go with who I have the most chance with? Who do I have the most chance with? More to the point, what do I do? What do I say? :/

And so I find myself, once again, lonely. After resisting for so long.


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So I broke my hard drive…

After 7 years of turning my hard drive has died slightly. It can no longer load Windows and as a result my PC is in the computer store being fixed ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Not that I couldn’t do it myself… :/

But anyway here’s some maths as a memorial to it’s service:
~7 years = ~2555 days
Each day ~8 hours a day
2555 * 8 = ~20440 hours
= ~242640 minutes
At probably 5400 rpm…

…Means its probably spun round about 1,637,256,000 times…

I love mental maths ๐Ÿ˜›

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Uni uni uni uni!

I have 3 conditional university offers. I’d say that’s quite good ๐Ÿ˜›

Also have an open day to attend (presumably for an informal interview) for my favourite down south ๐Ÿ™‚

That’s all ๐Ÿ˜›

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Once again I write with no clue where this is going.
Like most times I write with no clue where this is going.

I have twitter! let’s talk about that ๐Ÿ˜€

I can’t deal with it. I feel compelled to post things but I never know quite what to post! It’s like that feeling when you’re not really hungry but you’re in a restaurant and it would be a bit wierd if you didn’t order food with everyone else on your table ๐Ÿ˜›

So I find myself with seemingly random tweets like “I hate brambles…” and “I have twitter… now what? :/” to which have less than no chance of being retweeted. (Ignoring the fact the latter was actually retweeted ๐Ÿ˜› )

As my friend put it: “Think of some funny jokes and be disappointed when no one gets them/reads them/they don’t fit in 140 characters”

And I have done just that.

And I think no one has read them.

Nor would they have got them because they didn’t fit into 140 characters…

But nevertheless, I have twitter and I have no clue what I’m doing! Great! That sums me up ๐Ÿ˜›

One thing I do like about it though is that you’re amazingly close to artists: My latter “Now what?” tweet was seen by (the amazing) On Being Human – to which the name of this blog may have been acidently inspired by – and they very nicely retweeted me. Cool!

Plus I can actually pester contact them on here just by tagging them (if you did that on Facebook nothing would happen ๐Ÿ˜› ) and I really like that, it feels more like we’re actually part of their fanbase rather than just another like on their manager’s page.

So whilst I have nothing to say on it, I like it ๐Ÿ˜›

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Halloween and doughnuts

I haven’t posted since the 1st of October…




But on the other hand, here in England we have a company called Krispy Kreme doughnuts (they might reach outside the UK, I don’t know). Put simply they produce the best doughnuts around. No questions.

So on Monday I ordered 300.

We decided that it would be awesome to have a doughnut day in sixth form this Friday, along with some competitions, to celebrate half term and this weird American festival called ‘Halloween’…

As an aside, most people you ask in England say they hate Halloween, yet for some strange reason we still celebrate it. Why? Its stupid. I don’t like dressing up and each Halloween I end up dressed up in my sheet with the eye’s cut out of!?!?! What’s with the whole blood and guts and scaring the living crap out of me? I don’t like vampires and any other day of the year I would’ve called the police and claimed assault!

More to the point, parents tell you not to accept sweets off strangers yet for one night tell you to go knocking on peoples doors demanding them…

Back on topic and I don’t plan on eating all of the doughnuts myself. They’re up for sale for very reasonable prices. Seriously, I’m not fat….

It’s sort of experimental but when asked whether they wanted the Lidl doughnuts that would be “defrosted that morning” or to pay a little more for Krispy Kreme: there was a unanimous Krispy Kreme.

Except from that one guy…

Who unfortunately happens to be my best mate… :/

So well see how it runs and well see if anyone bothers to dress up ๐Ÿ˜›

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“The weak are meat and the strong do BEEF.”

A slightly adjusted Japanese proverb there for you ๐Ÿ™‚

I was reading a BBC news post on Facebook earlier and it asked readers to share their thoughts on eating Horsemeat. Naturally there were some vegetarians around but the majority said they’d at least try it and some from the continent were describing it.

1 person also said, because he was an Inuit, he’d grown up on walrus and sealย and thatย horse sounded quite nice…

But the comment that attracted my attention the most was one that suggested why we don’t eat horses here in England: What do we call cow meat? What do we call pig meat? What do we call deer meat?

I hope you realised that none of the words we used to describe the meat are that similar to the name of the animal that it came from (with the exceptions of Lamb and some others but I think lamb is distant enough from the more generic Sheep).

I think if we didn’t call meat from a horse ‘Horse meat’ we might be more acceptant of it. I for one probably wouldn’tย be so happy if I served up ‘Cow chow main’, ‘Cow and Kidney Pie’ or ‘Pigs in more Pig’.

Ok, the last one was a bad example… :/

But you also have to realise that horses have been humanity’s long standing allies and are probably the most loved creatures on the planet. They’ve helped us through wars, helped us build and madeย trade possible.ย Here in the West they’reย generally designated as pets – but then again, so are Rabbits…

I don’t want to eat a horse, in the same way I don’t want to eat a Sheep or a Cow or a Pig, but call it something else and I’ll pretend :/

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The Script of My Life

I donโ€™t usually do reposts, nor do I usually like poetry, but this one kinda stuck with me:

Faith Unlocked

Who edited the script of my life?
Who wrote in this stuff I never intended?
How did it ever get to be so dark?
Why have I become a villain, condemned?

Then I look again . . .

. . . and a blood-red pen
Strikes through all my gravest errors;
And while the plot
May be kind, or not,
May continue to twist and turn,
I know it finishes happily:
An ancient death giving life eternally,
My soul saved with Christโ€™s family,
Praising my God forever in Heaven.

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